#CursedFootage Day 1: The Curse

Letter received on the desk of WARK reporter Allison Palmer. The letter reads as follows:

“My name is Diane Dawson, and I’m going to kill myself. Or rather, I’m going to do something that will cause me to die. Same difference.

I’m a professor of Occult and Arcane Studies at Miskatonic University, but I’m currently on administrative leave for “unseemly conduct”, which is a nice phrase for “going batshit crazy”. I don’t have any close family or friends who’ll check on me anytime soon, and I hate the idea of my body decaying in my study for months before I’m found.

I can’t tell anyone why I’m choosing to end my life. Actually, I can tell, and some deviant part of me wants to tell. But I shouldn’t, so I won’t. Suffice it to say I can’t bear the burden of knowing anymore. I’m burning my journal before I go so it won’t fall into the wrong hands. Someone should burn the entire Miskatonic Occult Department. Some things are unspeakable for a reason, and we fools keep speaking of them, giving them power in our world…

But I’ve written too much as it is. Time for action. I’ll drop this in the mail, have a last cup of tea, then end it all. Please don’t look too closely into my death. It could be fatal for others if the truth were known. I wish I’d never been born.

-Diane Dawson”


#CursedFootage Day 2: The Experiment