#CursedFootage Day 7: Beyond the Stars

Excerpt from the Maligni Spirtus, a reference book of evil entities. The book possesses the characteristic that its text appears in whatever language is most familiar to the reader.

“ Name: Unspeakable

Type: Eldritch Abomination

Form: Unknown

Realm: The Known Universe; Presumably Algol

~Little is known of this entity because even the mere knowledge of its name has driven people to madness. Speaking its name summons the entity immediately, with fatal effects. Eventually, the urge to speak the entity’s name overwhelms anyone who knows it. Scholars report that as one thinks more about the entity, the more the entity thinks about you. The entity’s name usually manifests itself to a person during a dream. Like Cthulhu and other eldritch deities, its name cannot be fully translated into a human language, but even the pale imitation of its name which is comprehensible to humans is enough to summon it if spoken aloud.

This entity is most commonly associated with the Demon Star, Algol. It is unknown whether the entity resides there, or if the star is a manifestation of it, but those who know the entity’s name report being compelled to stare endlessly at the celestial body.

This entity exists outside the known pantheon of eldritch deities, recognizing not the authority of Azathoth. Nyarlathotep, messenger of the gods, will not deign to communicate with this entity. Even dreaming Cthulhu has nightmares about this insidious being.

The entity delights in malice, devastation, and madness, and is always seeking to infect more people with the knowledge of its name. Its motives are unknown, but those unfortunate enough to be burdened with this knowledge of its name report the overwhelming urge to become a herald for this malevolent entity. Based on the destruction of all previous possessors of this knowledge (save one), if the entity were to succeed in spreading its name, it would lead to the destruction of all human life on this planet.”


#CursedFootage Day 8: Ritual


#CursedFootage Day 6: From the Depths