#CursedFootage Day 9: Religious

Note found on Allison Palmer’s phone, which was found by police at her home in connection with an investigation into her involvement in the death of Diane Dawson and the attack of Martin Gentry.

“ I have a duty to ! I could write its name—I know it fully now, as it fully knows me—but I don’t think any physical media could bear the import of its name. Paper would catch fire, my phone would melt…

So for now, as Diane did before me, I refer to it as “!” But where she meant it as a scream of terror, I mean it as a shout of jubilation, of rejoicing. I am a bringer of a new gospel, and soon all shall hear the awe-full name, and ! shall come in it’s fullness to the earth, ridding the planet of its invasive humanity. And what next? Will the earth itself cry out the name unto the universe, sending the dreadful knowledge into the vast, starry depths? I am not privileged enough to see that far. I am but a harbinger to the human race.



#CursedFootage Day 10: Apocalyptic


#CursedFootage Day 8: Ritual