Sleep Tight

Here is the first of some drabbles (100 word stories) I’ve written for various other publications. This one was published in Forgotten Ones: Drabbles of Myth and Legend by Eerie River Publishing. Click the photo for a link to buy this book and get tons of amazing micro fiction from great authors!


Sleep Tight

“I can’t go to sleep. I’m scared,” said the boy.

“I’ve already checked under your bed and in your closet. I promise you, there’s no monsters,” said his mother.

“But Mommy…” cried the boy.

“No ‘buts’! Now go to b…” The mother’s words were cut short as an inky figure fell upon her from above, claws and teeth slashing. The mother let out a scream that ended in a gurgle. The boy dove under his blankets, holding his breath as thudding footsteps lurched towards his bed.

“You forgot to check the ceiling,” snarled the Boogeyman, yanking back the covers.

