Where I’ve Been

On Labor Day, I found out I was having a heart attack.

I’d been having stabbing chest pains for the past two days, but I just figured it was heartburn or a panic attack. I’m 38; I couldn’t be having a heart attack. But finally after much cajoling from my mom and my boyfriend, I went to the hospital first thing that Monday morning. I explained my symptoms and they took me back to the emergency room right away.

After an X-ray and an EKG, the doctor came in and said matter-of-factly “You’re having a heart attack.” I was rushed back to the heart cath lab. They stuck two IVs in me and pumped me full of the good stuff, so I really didn’t care that they were running something from my groin up to my heart. They kept asking me how I was doing, and I’d be like “I’m great, thanks.” I was on the really good stuff.

Turns out I had 100% blockage in one of my arteries and they had to put in two stents. After they were done, they wheeled me up to the ICU. I spent four days there. That may not sound like a lot, but it felt interminable. I watched a LOT of HGTV. I’m pretty sure I could build my own house now.

My poor veins got so abused. Along with the heart attack, I was in diabetic ketoacidosis, which meant my blood sugar was exceedingly high. They kept drawing blood samples and pricking my fingers. One time, they gave me potassium through an IV, and it wrecked my vein. It’s still sore and hard. They wanted to give me more potassium through an IV, but they couldn’t find a vein. They were going to get the ultrasound machine out, but I begged them to show mercy. Give me a damn banana or something, sheesh.

I finally got to go home, but a few days later, my blood sugar dropped to below 40, which is very low for me. I started having stabbing chest pain again. I didn’t want to take any chances, so I reluctantly went back to the hospital. They kept me overnight for observation, and it turns out this time it was just a panic attack triggered by my low blood sugar. They released me the next day.

I have a wonderful new cocktail of prescriptions I’m on, including insulin and blood thinners. This, in conjunction with all my meds for anxiety, depression, and ADHD. It sucks having to remember what pills to take when, but I have a big pill box with spots for a whole week’s worth of meds. Worst of all, my cardiologist didn’t clear me to go back to work until 10/3/22. So that’s over a month I’m going without working. Not only will I miss out on a lot of pay, but I’m bored as hell. I’m writing and doing artwork, but even that gets boring after awhile.

I’m doing better, but I keep forgetting that I’ve had major heart surgery and I try to do things that are beyond me. Like walking and talking at the same time. That’s a no for me for awhile. Even standing up too quickly can have me panting and sweating. My aunt and uncle came over to visit me the other day, and just sitting in a chair talking them for a few hours wore me out. Which means as much as I hate to admit it, I’m not ready to go back to work, because all I do at my job is sit in a chair and talk for hours.

Oh, and also my cat Dorie died. She was 17. She had been doing poorly for a week or so, but she was hanging in there. But the day after I came home from my last hospital stay, she passed away. Mom was holding her, so at least Dorie went out being loved. She survived a house fire and was still a sweet, loving cat.

I still have my cat Luna. She’s been looking for Dorie. Luna has lived all but three months of her life in Dorie’s company. She’s depressed, as are my mom and I.

So that’s what I’ve been up to the past few weeks. I haven’t really felt like updating this blog, but I hope soon I can get more interesting content on here. I do have a GoFundMe for medical bills and personal expenses if anyone wants to donate.


Thanks for reading.


Rules for Writing


Once Upon A Time