#CursedFootage Day 4: Infection

Notes found on Allison Palmer’s computer.

“I wish I didn’t know what I know.

Knowledge is power, and some power is too dangerous for the human mind to comprehend. I wouldn’t have said that a month ago, but so much has changed in a month. Eons of metaphysical time has passed. Ever second is an hour, every hour a day, etc.

This horrible knowledge gnaws at my mind. It’s not so much that I think about it, but that it thinks about me. I don’t want this thing to even perceive me, let alone know me as intimately as it does, but I’m helpless against it. Once I knew about it, it knew about me.

I try to block it out of my mind, and sometimes, I’ll think I’ve succeeded, but then it slips slyly back into my thoughts. A trigger can be something as simple as a word that starts with the same letter. I hate eating or drinking when I’m thinking of it— it feels like taking a bit of the thing even deeper into me, like a perverse communion. The thing knows these thoughts I have about it; knows them, and laughs.”


#CursedFootage Day 5: Historical


#CursedFootage Day 3: Folklore